Ram has directed Award Winning Indy Films, High Profile Sports Celebrity Events, Fortune 500 Virtual and Branding productions.
Ram’s passion shines through all his projects. Whether filming deep in the Florida Swamps, or Europe, he is the first to get his hands dirty. Risk is his constant companion. The bigger the challenge, the happier he is. In his environment. In the zone. Nothing is impossible. Resourceful beyond belief. Always a good time on set. His love of film comes a close second to his family.
After two decades leading Audit Teams as a CPA for Fortune 100 companies, Ram made a shift to follow his passions. He launched two successful production companies winning a slew of awards, including 6 Telly’s, 3 Remi’s, GAIA Award from Hollywood’s Moondance Film Festival, and a screenplay award from American Gem. High profile commercial clients include Dwyane Wade, Arquitectonica, Amcor. His award winning independent films went on to be seen all around the globe, from Cannes to NY to Paris to LA and Miami. With a new business partner, and in the heat of the worldwide pandemic, he launched Rocketeer Productions, a new kind of media company with a very unique take on virtual productions. Two Telly Awards were garnered in its first year!